All About My Bird

 Hey guys! you might have seen my other blog, rainbow blog. If you haven't check it out right now! Click on the link at the end of the post!

So, I have a Sun conure! Her name is Poly! I uploaded a photo of her down below! She's 9 months old as of Feb 2022! Her birthday is on May 5th. And, she acts like any other human baby. Once, she got a string tied on her leg! all by herself! and I tried to take it out, but it didn't work. The next day, when I came back from school, She took it out, By herself!

I have some dreams of opening a bird sanctuary. Where birds can rest during their migration. 

If you have any questions, you can put them in the comment section down below. I will look into the answers, research, and get back to you. I will make a post, so that if others have the same problem they can get their problem solved too!

So, I will see you guys in the next post! Bye!

