Hey guys! today we will learn how to care for a bird. Here is what your bird needs:
1. Cage - For your bird to live in.It is mandatory they you put in at least 2 toys. It would be good for your bird if you buy a big cage. So that he or she will have lots of room to play, and explore. But its better to have a fully- netted balcony with plants that are safe your bird to eat, and a few toys.
2. Food & water - You should do a lot of research on what your bird can and cannot eat. But I can handle that part for you. Just tell me all the details about your bird through my mail. Your bird should have access to fresh and clean water all the time. You should try to change the water every 6- 8 hours.
3. Sanitization - Your bird should live in a clean environment. Or else, he/she will develop diseases.
Now, here are some food items that your birds can eat:
1. Apples
2. Bananas
3. Carrots
4. Beetroots
6. Orange
7. Rice (cooked or uncooked. Uncooked is not recommended for small birds.)
8. Grapes
9. Mango
10. Coconut
11. Papaya
12. tomato
13. Broccoli
14. Corn
15. Cucumber
Now, here are some food items that your bird should never eat:
1. Avocado
2. Caffeine
3. Chocolate
4. Salt
5. Fat
6. Fruit pits and apple seeds
7. Onions & garlic
8. Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
So, that's it for this post, my email is down below. If you need any info on birds, tag me on my email. So, I will see you in my next post. Bye!
Email: rainbow.blog365@gmail.com
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